Live Sync

Live Sync

Live Sync is a fantastic feature for telehealth. This guide will show you how to use the Live Sync feature with your clients.


Make sure that your client has Entry categories and Entries set up, and that they have Live Sync enabled. By default, clients will have live sync enabled.

Getting on the same page

Either your or your client will need to enter an Entry first. This will automatically create a record.

If you created the record

If you created the record, your client will need to go to Entries in their account and click on the record at the top.

If your client created the record

If your client created the record, you will need to go to Entries and click on the record at the top


That's it!


If a record is not saved and the user who created it navigates away, it will be deleted.

The rest is handled by the application. As you enter in records, annotate audio, or record and upload audio, all data will come through in real time for your client on the other end.