Annotated Audio

Annotated Audio

Annotated audio is one of the core features of SpeechFit. Using it, you can interact with audio from any device either in person with your clinician or online for telehealth.

To get started, you must have annotated audio added to one of your records.

You can do this in the step Build Entries by adding the annotated audio component to your Entry.

Once you have done this, hit save.

Recording Audio

To record audio, hit the red button. If you are on a computer, the first time you do this you'll be asked to give permissions to access the microphone. It is safe to accept this. You can read more about our security protocols here (opens in a new tab).

Once you're done, hit the stop button and your audio will be uploaded to the cloud.

Uploading Audio

Uploading audio needs to be enabled in the audio recorder settings. It is enabled by default.

You can then select any audio file and it will be uploaded to the cloud instantly, then compressed so that you or your clinician can receive it sooner.

Adding annotations

To add an annotation, you must have the waveform visible. This will occur after you have recorded audio or uploaded your audio.

Then, click on an area on the waveform and drag. This will add a region to the audio. You can then choose the colour which you want to use to highlight this section, and you can also add a note to the annotation.

Your annotations will be saved as you type, but you can also delete them.


You can hit the green play button to playback your audio. Your annotated sections will highlight as you play them back and they are active in the audio.