Forget Device

How to forget a device

Remembered devices can be used to streamline the log in process. You will likely not get a fraud alert when using a remembered device, and you will be asked to enter 2FA less frequently.

Because of this, remembered devices should only be devices that you know to be physically secure as they remove some of the protections that you might normally have on other devices on this device.

When you forget a device, it is still tracked for security purposes, but the security settings are as normal - rules are not slightly more lenient like they are with Remembered devices.


At this time, we have only enabled Remember Device if you have 2FA switched on.

How to forget a device

  1. Log in to your Clinician dashboard
  2. Click on your profile picture or your initial to enable the account menu
  3. Click on Account Settings
  4. Locate the security settings on the right hand side
  5. Click Forget Device

Find Account Settings in the menu bar

account settings

Locate the Device options

account settings

Click Forget Device

account settings