Session Notes

Session notes

Session notes are shared between client and clinician. There is no way to make them private to client or private to clinician at this time, and it is not planned in the roadmap, but you can contact us if you need this. They are intended to be a record of the session.

Creating a New Session

You can create a new session by navigating to 'Sessions'. Then click 'Create Session', enter the date, the location and hit Create + Go.

If you enter clinic, the icon of the session will show a clinic, whereas telehealth will show a video conferencing icon. Furthemore, in a telehealth session, the Zoom link will be displayed prominently within the session.

Creating Rich text

The rich text editor is intuitive and requires no explanation. However, please note that at this time you can not add images to session notes. If this is something you need, please reach out to us or add it to our roadmap.

Speech to Text

Click the button on the bottom left of the screen to start speech to text. This is a medical AI that is HIPAA-compliant. Only accounts authorized to access the data (such as client and clinician) will have access to the transcription, and we do not store the recording.

Please wait for the transcription to load after you're done, and don't forget to turn it off.